Leadership Lessons from a Mobster

Michael Franzese one of the most successful mobsters since Al Capone, has turned his life around.   As one of the rare people who quit the mob and lived to tell about it, Franzese has a unique perspective on business and leadership.  This past week I had the opportunity to ask Michael a few questions. michael-fMAC: You have a new book out titled I’ll Make You an Offer You Can’t RefuseI can safely say that recommending a mobster's book to a group of pators is a first for me.  How would a pastor benefit from reading your book?MICHAEL: A clear distinction is made between the Machiavellian way of doing business and leading (the end justifies the means, win at all costs,) which is the way of the world, and King Solomon’s way, which directs us to operate with integrity. It would be extremely beneficial for a pastor to understand the Machiavellian philosophy so he can easily identify all those who operate within it and inform his congregation as to the inevitable pitfalls and traps that they will be subjected to.MAC: You share a lot of business and leadership principles in the book.  Which one would you say is most important for church leaders?  Why?MICHAEL: Solomon’s way to lead with integrity of course. That failure at some points if handled properly can ultimately lead to success, even in the church. MAC: You seem to be a man on a mission.  What is the mission you feel God has given you since your life has turned around?MICHAEL: To be an encouragement to those that feel they’re unworthy or too bad of a person, or who believe they have fallen so short of God’s love and grace they can not be used to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for their lives.MAC: What do you hope this book will accomplish in the lives of the readers?MICHAEL: Help them to be better equipped to deal with business and life to a certain degree. To find the right principles. To learn how to accept failure and to deal with success in the right way. To go on to be more effective administrators and leaders in the business world always guided by integrity.MAC:  By the way I'll Make You and Offer You Can't Refuse is a Nelsonfree book.  Instead of being locked into one format, with Nelsonfree you buy one format and you get two more for free - an ebook and an audio version.


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