Are You Growing as a Leader?

You can grow accidentally, or you can grow intentionally.  

Accidental growth happens when you suddenly learn something because of a mistake or a chance encounter.  You weren't trying to grow; it just happened.  

The majority of leaders in this world today take this approach to self-development. As a result, their growth trajectory is small, and leadership potential remains untapped.

Intentional growth happens when you identify a specific area of growth.  You put together a plan and seek out someone to help keep you accountable or provide coaching.

High impact leaders take this approach.  They're not satisfied with the status quo. They admit they still have to learn. They have a "do what it takes" mentality toward growth. And as a result, their growth trajectory far surpasses those who are content with the accidental approach to self-development.

Which will you choose in 2020? Where do you need to grow in your leadership? What's the plan that will produce behavioral change?  Will you try to do it alone, or will you invite someone to walk with you?

Do you want a leadership growth experience that will do more than inspire you? One that will provide a step by step plan and the accountability to ensure change?  An experience where you are learning from a group of other leaders like you?

Check out my upcoming Leadership Coaching Group starting March 11-12.  Register at

Take your leadership to another level using my Team Leadership System.  You will learn how to...

  • Care for the souls of your team
  • Understand the personalities of your team
  • Maximize the strengths of your team
  • Align expectations with your team
  • Develop the character and competencies of your team
  • Bring out the collaborative genius of your team
  • and Deepen the engagement of your team.

Register for this six-month coaching group before January 31 and get a $200 discount.

Let's spend half a year together and internationalize our growth as leaders together!  This is a small group experience and space is limited, so don't delay.

Register at


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Powerless Discipleship