Right in Front of Your Very Eyes

There arepotential leaders right in front of your very eyes.  Don’t miss them.

It’s easyto get stuck in the practice of trying to find "ready-made" leaders.We look for the person who's been trained somewhere else or has leadershipexperience from their previous church. Ready-made leaders are nice.  Notraining required.  Just plug and play and they're on their way. It makesour job as staff easy. 

But thereare inherent problems with this approach.

  • Ready-made leaders are not easy to find, so we live in a perpetual state of a leadership shortage
  • Ready-made leaders come in with their own set of values that may not fit the culture of your church or ministry area.
  • If we only look for ready-made leaders then we fail to see the leadership potential of those who are unpolished, untrained and not ready. 
  • If we only look for ready-made leaders then we develop a culture of doing leadership placement rather than leadership development. 

Imaginewhat could happen if you stopped looking for readiness and started looking forwillingness.  

Imaginewhat could happen if you stopped looking at people for what they are today andstarted looking at them for what they could be a year from now if you spenttime developing them.

The bestway to find new leaders is to keep your eyes open each week for the earlywarning signs.  The signs are telling but easy to miss unless you’rereally looking.

  • It’s the guy that demonstrates character and wisdom in a tense situation
  • It’s the lady who jumps in without being asked, takes initiate and gets things done
  • It’s the team member who generates a great new idea to make your ministry area stronger
  • It’s the individual other team members look to for their opinion or input
  • It’s the person that unites everyone after a disappointment
  • It’s the one that always encourages the new team members

People onyour team are doing small things that demonstrate potential leadership all thetime.  The question is will you see it?  And if you see it how willyou develop it? 

There are potential leaders right in front of your very eyes.  Don’t miss them.

Need to build an intentional strategy for developing leaders? Pre-order my new book The Multiplication Effect today at Amazon.com


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