Catching the Vision for Church Planting

I'm flying to North Carolina today to prepare for a vision meeting for all those in NC who are interested in church planting and hearing more about what we're doing with a brand new organization called LAUNCH.  We have folks coming from all over the state to join us at Summit Church our gracious host site.  During the time together we will...

  • Learn about the incredible need for new churches
  • Hear the story of how West Ridge Church has planted nearly 50 churches in the last six years.
  • Discover a new innovative model for equipping church planters
  • Get an understanding of how LAUNCH is more than a church plant network, it's a Leadership Development Network
  • Discuss best practices in church planting
  • Connect with some other great people from NC who have the same passion for Kingdom growth
  • Eat a really good FREE lunch

The Vision Meeting isn't until Wednesday, Nov 3 from 11:00-1:00, so it's not too late to join us.  If your interested drop me an email at  If you can't make it to NC we have other vision meetings being scheduled for other major cities, let me know if you'd like to be on our mailing list.


Passion for Leadership Development


The Rhythms of Change