Passion for Leadership Development

Someone asked me the other day, "Why are you so passionate about leadership development?"  That's a good question; I guess I've never thought about the "why". Here's what I told them, “I'm passionate about leadership development because…”

  • Jesus was passionate about it.  He took three years to pour into 12 men.  Yes, it was discipleship- he taught them how to pray, forgive, share their faith, understand Scripture and more.  But it was more than that.  Knowing He would entrust the mission of spreading the good news into their hands he taught them how to lead.
  • as a young man, who had given his life to ministry, I never had a true mentor until I was 28 years old.  I've discovered the exponential impact intentional development can have on the life of a young leader.
  • a church’s long term viability is dependent upon the constant reproduction of new leaders
  • I want others to experience the joy of watching a young leader they've poured their lives into take their first steps in leading others. Watching someone gain leadership confidence and competence right in front of your eyes is an amazing experience.
  • Scripture is replete with examples of leadership development.  Moses- Joshua, Elijah- Elijah, Paul- Timothy and many more.
  • God's impact through our lives will reach its maximum impact when we focus on reproducing reproducers.

Why are you passionate about leadership development?


Meetings as Investments


Catching the Vision for Church Planting