Developing Fully Devoted Followers

Every organization is filled with people, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's filled with followers.  It's dangerous when a leader begins to mistake attendance for commitment.  We must realize...

  • Some people are in our organization because they're compensated.
  • Some people are in our organization just because they want something to keep them busy
  • Some people are in our organization because ours is the closest to helping them achieve their personal agenda
  • Some people are in our organization because their friends are there

But it's not likely that everyone in our organization is a fully committed follower.  The leader who mistakes attendance for commitment grows careless in the intentional development of followership. A follower, a true follower is someone who believes in and gives their all for the cause of the organization.  They find joy in their contribution. They honor and look to the leader for the vision. They find ways to add value to the vision.  True followers will take risks, make sacrifice and become evangelists for the organization.What can you do this week to cultivate fully committed followers in your organization?


The Language of Leadership


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