Is Pride Having a Negative Impact on Your Influence?

Leaders tend to have strong personalities, strong opinions and strong convictions.  As a result we’re easily susceptible to a spirit of pride.  Solomon warns us in Proverbs 18:12 "Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor." I don't know that there is anything more dangerous to our leadership influence than deeply rooted pride.

  • Pride encumbers learning
  • Pride blocks reconciliation
  • Pride blinds wisdom
  • Pride destroys authentic relationships
  • Pride inhibits vulnerability
  • Pride limits team innovation
  • Pride injures the confidence of others around you
  • Pride breeds an atmosphere of condemnation
  • Pride diminishes the contribution of others
  • Pride ignores the power of God
  • Pride fails to ask for help
  • Pride results in an ego driven organization
  • Pride comes before the fall

So think about it, is there any sense of pride in your life and leadership that's limiting God's work through you?


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