Four Questions to Develop Better Leaders

Sometimes we make leadership development much more difficult than it really needs to be. And when developing leaders seems difficult we tend to avoid it.There are 3 reasons training leaders can feel difficult.First, I don’t have time to develop the content. Building training content can require a lot of research and time to get it just right.Second, I can’t get all my leaders together for a training because their so busy. Getting the team together for occasional training is important. But I agree, it’s much more difficult to do this type of training today because of peoples schedules.Third, When I’ve done training classes in the past, they didn't seem to have a payoff. I was able to communicate important information and share expectations but I didn’t see the leadership skills of my team or leaders change much.So just because leadership training seems difficult doesn’t mean it has to be. You can make it much simpler by observing your leaders in action and giving them immediate feedback. It doesn’t take a lot of time, requires no preparation and the results will be much better than a classroom training.So how do you make this happen? In this weeks video, I give you my four basic go to questions I use when developing new or existing leaders. Watch the video with your team and use the discussion questions below to continue your growth as leader developers.

Discussion Questions

  • As you consider your current team, how well do you know their strengths? Share an example. What do you need to do to get to know their competency level better?
  • How well do you know the growth areas of the individuals on your team? Share an example. What do you need to do to get to know their growth areas better?
  • How would you grade yourself on giving immediate feedback to your team after observing them in action?
  • Who do you need to observe and ask these four questions of?
  • What is your biggest take away from this video that you will put into action this week?

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