Leveraging the Talent of Your Team

Good leaders recognize the strengths of individual team members and encourage them to work in those strengths. It only makes sense, doesn’t it?If someone is good at something and you empower them to use that strength the organization wins and the individual wins. That's just good leadership.So a good leader can help get the best out of a team member simply by getting them to use their strengths. But what if I told you that getting the best out of them may not be the best approach?Great leaders go a step further. They not only challenge their people to use their strengths, they work with them to develop those strengths. Escalating a strength of a team member energizes, empowers and engages them at a whole new level.Don't just use the talent of your people, develop it.Today's Challenge: Identify a strength of one of your team members and discuss with them specific steps they can take to further develop that strength.Additional Recommended Resources:Book: Talent Wins: The New Playbook for Putting People First by Ram Charan


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