Leadership Development

Are you happy with the leadership development results of your church?

Most pastors are not. 

Barna's 2020 State of the Church reports that "One in four U.S. pastors (23%) selects 'Lack of leadership training and development" as a major concern facing their church today."

Nearly every church I talk to longs for an intentional leadership development strategy. Yet, few can articulate what that would look like for their church. 

In this time of the COVID-19 lockdown, take 30 minutes and complete the evaluation exercise below to help you assess the current leadership development efforts of your church. 

Here are the basic steps:

  1. List all intentional methods you are currently using to develop leaders. Break them into two categories: What are we doing to train NEW leaders? What are we doing to provide ongoing equipping for our EXISTING leaders?
  2. Identify any existing leader that is making efforts to reproduce new leaders. Who are these individuals? What methods are they using?
  3. Now that you have a list of methods, rate the effectiveness of each on a scale of 1-5, One being totally ineffective and five being highly effective and reproducible.
  4. If you rated a method a 4 or 5, ask why that method is being productive. If you rated a method 1 to 3, ask why that method is not sufficient?
  5. Next ask: Are there methods that we are not employing to develop leaders that we should be using?
  6. Now, ask: Who are the top people that have the potential to reproduce themselves? How can I engage them in the most effective methods of developing leaders?
  7. Write out an action plan for improving your leadership development process.

Need help designing an intentional leadership development strategy? Check out my new book: The Multiplication Effect on Amazon. Or order 20 or more from Multiply Group and I will do a FREE One Hour Coaching Session with you and your team.


“Apprenticing doesn’t work”


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