Covid 19: Questions Pastors Need to be Asking

We are experiencing an unprecedented time in the church today. In the face of the Coronavirus, churches are scrambling to find ways to connect with their people as well as innovate to reach new people.

Over the past week, I've done a series of videos to help churches process this challenge. You can find a Covid19 Playlist on my Youtube channel HERE

In today's video, (HERE) I shared 20 questions you can consider wrestling with. Several people have asked me to provide the questions in written form so I've included these below.

Three types of questions pastorsneed to be asking in this season.

Personal Questions: These will help you grow

  • God, what do you want to teach me about my character through this?
  • What do you want to teach me about my leadership competency through this?
  • How should I be using my time differently to maximize this opportunity?
  • What attitudes and actions am I displaying that I want others to emulate? What attitudes or actions am I displaying I would not want others to emulate?
  • Am I depending more on God during this time or am I depending more upon the ideas I am gleaning from what others are doing?

Fun Questions: These will help you innovate

  • What can we try during this time we’ve never tried before?
  • How can we leverage this time to increase our evangelistic impact?
  • How can we leverage this time to reshape our church culture?
  • How can we leverage this time to unify our team? 
  • What new strengths and gifts are emerging in our people through this time?  How do we leverage these moving forward?
  • What is something fun we can do to engage our people relationally, even though there is distance between us? 
  • What changes did we make during this crisis that we need to carry over after the crisis?

Hard Questions: These will force you to make wise decisions

  • If the death of our church is accelerated because of this- How can we leverage the assets we have for greatest Kingdom impact?
  • If the decline of our church is accelerated through this – What do we need to stop doing so we can do less and do it better?
  • What needs to change in our church’s strategy to accomplish our church’s mission. 
  • If our church grows as a result of this: How can we start developing leaders now to prepare for the growth that is coming?
  • If our church grows- How can we leverage this for multiplication and not just addition?
  • How can our church selflessly and sacrificially bless young church plants in this season?
  • Who are some of the best leaders in our church that we can send as missionaries to serve other areas of our community by planting a church or providing leadership for a young church plant?
  • What did this crisis show us about the leadership depth of our church? What do we need to do to deepen the bench of leaders for the future?

Here’s what I know: God is always speaking, we’re just not always listening.  Ask, listen and respond.  


Leadership Development


Dealing with the GAP between your Dream and your Reality