Leading Under the Influence of Fear

There are difficulties every leader will face: painful challenges, overwhelming obstacles, impossible barriers, and meanspirited opposition. It's during these times a spirit of fear can seep into the soul of our leadership.  We become hestitant, reluctant, lose confidence and even tempted to quit. Leadership requires courage.  In fact, if you’re leading out of fear you will never maximize what God wants to do in you or through you.  After affirming Timothy’s leadership gift, Paul challenged him, ‘For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.’ 2 Timothy 1:7When a leader leads out of fear…

  • He makes the popular decision rather than the right decision
  • He strives to please people rather than God
  • He's tempted to back down rather than step up
  • He looks for excuses rather than opportunities
  • He shuts up rather than speaking up
  • He lives with regrets rather than results

When we are fully surrendered to God he gives us a spirit of POWER so we can overcome any Obstacle, a spirit of LOVE so we can overcome any Opposition and a spirit of SELF-DISCIPLE so we can overcome any Temptation. Is there any area of your leadership that you are leading out of fear? If so, what adjustments do you need to make?


Leadership and Faith Challenges


Thoughts I've Been Thinking - September