Thoughts I've Been Thinking - September

Here are a few of the leadeship thoughts I've tweeted throughout September.

  • 2:02 PM Sep 28 Disciplined organizations will drive succession planning beyond the level of senior leadership
  • 12:02 PM Sep 25 Work with people to shape their ideas instead of shut down their ideas
  • 4:48 PM Sep 23 Reactionary giving patterns develop when we only emphasize giving in times of need
  • 11:13 AM Sep 22 When you leave, leave well so you will always be welcomed back
  • 9:47 AM Sep 20th  Leaders who put their own needs above the needs of those they serve may gain affluence but they lose influence. Jer 22:14-17
  • 7:47 PM Sep 18 The more you can build a common language in your culture the more you can avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication
  • 10:10 AM Sep 18 When doing succession planning we must focus not only on the new leader but also the new culture that comes with that new leader
  • 1:23 PM Sept 15 The reputation of our leadership will be determined by the wisdom of our decisions
  • 8:54 AM Sept 14 if we focus only on building leaders instead of building a leadership development culture our leadership development efforts won’t last
  • 11:04 AM Sep 13 - One of the primary goals of leadership development is to produce leaders that reproduce leaders
  • 8:21 AM Sep 12 - There will always be signs of life in our life as we stay close to the source of life. Jeremiah 17:7-8
  • 9:20 AM Sep 9th - Recruit for tomorrows growth, not just today’s need
  • 2:04 PM Sep 8th - Sometimes we get so busy doing the work of the ministry that we neglect the work of equipping others to do the work of the ministry
  • 12:45 PM Sep 8th - If you leave leadership development to chance then odds are you won’t be successful in the long term replication of leaders
  • 9:19 AM Sep 8th - When poor performance is ignored it not only hurts the organization but keeps an individual from reaching their fullest potential
  • 3:34 PM Sep 4th - Trust is one of the most critical requirements for effective leadership
  • 10:54 AM Sep 4th - Giving people specific praisings is one of the most neglected tools in many leaders toolbox
  • 9:40 AM Sep 3rd - Just read this... "Make goals big enough to matter, small enough to win."
  • 9:57 AM Sep 2nd - Too often we focus only on an employee’s contribution and ignore their development
  • 10:01 AM Sep 1 - Continual Growth requires continual risk

Leading Under the Influence of Fear


Making Coaching Work - Bill Donahue