The Fastest Way to Develop a Leader is Slow

I want you to consider something: The fastest way to develop a leader is slow.Would you agree with me a potential leader can experience all kind of training but not be developed? He can sit through a two-day seminar, a half day turbo training or a four-day conference but still not experience long-lasting transformation. You see it's fast, but it's not really leadership development if the leader's character and competencies aren't advancing. This type of fast informational training has value for inspiring and informing but have little impact on influencing long-lasting behavioral changes.When I look at men in scripture with the greatest leadership character and leadership competencies they're men who walked alongside another godly man for a season of time, typically years.Discovering and understanding a potential leaders gifts, personality and passion only comes by walking together for a while. Uncovering their leadership strengths and potential takes a season of observation and discussion. Helping them develop a growth plan takes trust and time. And modeling healthy leadership behaviors can only happen over time. But by doing these things you begin to see incremental progress in those you're developing.Wow, that seems slow, but it also seems it's a lot faster than throwing them in a couple of conferences or classes.Therefore, I've concluded that the fastest way to develop a leader is slow.


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