What Type of Leaders Do You Want?

Today I want to challenge you to think about something with your team: What type of leaders do you want? Rarely do we stop and ask that question.We ask, "How many leaders do we need?"; "where do we need more leaders?" or "how fast can wet get new leaders in place?" But, "what type of leader do we want" isn't a question you hear too often.When we only think about "how many", "where" and "how fast" we're tempted to minimize the training we provide for our new leaders. Our thinking defaults to quantity rather than quality.There are three potential consequences to this mentality.

  • The focus becomes placing new leaders rather than developing them. And placing without developing is dangerous.
  • Training focuses on giving information rather than producing transformation. Instead of thinking about how to maximize the new leaders strengths and potential we simply want them to get the job done.
  • Training ends once they step into the new leadership role. If they turn out to be the kind of leader we don't want, then we look for ways to dismiss them rather than looking for ways to develop them.

But when you answer the question, what type of leaders do we want?  You'll find yourself saying, "We want men and women who...

  • exhibit a bold faith
  • model godly leadership
  • make wise decisions
  • know how to make people feel loved and encouraged
  • know how to influence others
  • identify and equip new leaders
  • take initiative when they see a problem or something that could be improved
  • cast a compelling vision to their team
  • delegate for development rather than dump responsibility

The list could go on.When you identify the type of leaders you want you will take greater care in how you develop them. The development of that individual may take longer than you want. But recognize if you want quality leaders then you have to provide quality training.So, what kind of leaders do you want leading in your organization? What's your next step to start developing them into that kind of leader?


Is "More Leaders" the Best Answer?


The Fastest Way to Develop a Leader is Slow